Django Portfolio Journal

Build, check, run, tag and push the Docker image

Build the Docker image:

docker build -t portfolio .

portfolio is the name of the image, you can chose it however you like.

Verify/check the image(s) on your machine:

docker images

Start/run the container of the local Docker image:

docker run -p 8000:8000 -e SECRET_KEY=secret -e ALLOWED_HOSTS='*' -e DEBUG=True portfolio

go to url: in your browser and you should see your website.

Verify running container:

docker ps

Verify all container, even already stopped:

docker ps -a

-a --all (displays all container)

Removes all stopped/unused containers:

docker container prune -f

-f (--force)

If your local Docker image is working fine then the next steps are:

Tag your local image with the Docker Hub repository name:

docker tag portfolio your_username/portfolio:latest

portfolio: is the name of the local repository
your_username/portfolio: your_username is your username of Docker Hub. and "/portfolio" is the name of your Docker Hub repository.

Login into Docker Hub:

docker login -u your_username

Push the tagged image to Docker Hub:

docker push your_username/portfolio:latest

latest: is the tagname, the tag version

Designed by BootstrapMade and modified by DoriDoro