Django Portfolio Journal

Create Django Management Commands to easily create data for my portfolio

Early on in the development of my Django project, I had to rebuild the database a thousand times! To make my life easier, I created Django Management Commands to recreate data from these Management Commands. As you can imagine, to recreate all my models like: a DoriDoro instance and several instances of Achievements, Degree, Fact, Hobby, Job, Language, Reference and SocialMedia.

Here is an example of a Management Command:

# doridoro/management/commands/

from import BaseCommand
from django.db import IntegrityError, transaction

from projects.models import Link

class Command(BaseCommand):
    help = "This command creates all Job instances for DoriDoro."

    def handle(self, *args, **options):
            links = [
                    "title": "Epic Events",
                    "legend": "Project 12 of OpenClassrooms Python Path",
                    "origin": Link.GITHUB,
                    "platform": Link.OPENCLASSROOMS,
                    "url": "",
                    "title": "Orange Country Lettings",
                    "legend": "Project 13 of OpenClassrooms Python Path",
                    "origin": Link.GITHUB,
                    "platform": Link.OPENCLASSROOMS,
                    "url": "",
                    "title": "Django Portfolio",
                    "legend": "Django Portfolio",
                    "origin": Link.GITHUB,
                    "platform": Link.PERSONAL_PROJECT,
                    "url": "",
            if Link.objects.exists():
          "These instances of Link exists already!")
            with transaction.atomic():
                for link in links:
      "Instances of Link successfully created!")
        except IntegrityError:
      "These Link instances exists already!")
        except Exception as e:
            self.stdout.write("An unexpected error occurred: {e}"))

You may ask, why not use django-admin dumpdata to reuse the data from my database? Quite simply, I changed the model attributes and the data structure was no longer the same. So I needed another way to recreate all the data (which is a lot of content) every time my model structure changed.

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