EpicEvents Journal

Structured Input Handling with EpicEventCommand

To manage various types of user inputs accurately within the EpicEventCommand management command, I implemented class methods tailored to handle and validate specific input types. This ensures users enter the correct format and data type for each required field, enhancing reliability and minimizing input errors.

Input Methods

1. Text and Numeric Inputs

      • text_input(): Accepts any valid text input.
      • int_input(): Only accepts integer values, rejecting text or other data types.
      • decimal_input(): Validates input as a decimal, preventing integers or text entries.

2. Choice-Based Inputs

      • choice_str_input(): Accepts a single, valid string from a predefined set of choices.
      • choice_int_input(): Allows a single integer from specified options.
      • multiple_choice_str_input(): Enables multiple string selections from a list, providing flexibility in scenarios where multiple choices are needed.

3. Specialized Inputs

      • date_input(): Expects input in DD/MM/YYYY format. After validation, it reformats the date to YYYY-MM-DD 00:00:00 and converts it into a timezone-aware datetime object using Django’s make_aware() method.
      • email_input(): Utilizes Django’s validate_email() function to ensure a valid email format.
      • password_input(): Uses Django’s validate_password() to verify password strength and validity, enforcing best practices in password security.

Each method is designed to validate and format its specific type of input, providing a seamless, user-friendly experience that reduces input errors and ensures accurate data entry across different fields. This approach significantly enhances the robustness and usability of the EpicEventCommand by guiding users to enter only valid data for each operation.

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